
I fell in love with Overwatch…

Not playing the game mind you. I can’t play FPS games because they make me motion sick. No, instead I fell in love with the lore and a setting and the style of the game. Tracer and Widowmaker duking it out atop King’s Row. Winston battling those Talon nasties in the heart of Gibraltar. Reaper…well just being Reaper.

Of course I wanted to play it.

Of course there was no game to play it in. So I picked one and made it myself.

It took me quite a while to work out what rules would be best for Overwatch. I kept thinking: “sci fi”, owing to the combat heavy and futuristic nature of the game. But after doing some reading online I realized that it’s not so much a sci fi game, but a superhero one.

Once I got there, my first stop was my superhero go to, Marvel Superheroes, using the venerable FASERIP system. I had many an enjoyable evening playing FASERIP back in the day. And the beauty is that it’s all available online still, for free. Heck in May 2020 there was an online stream of an Avengers adventure played out using Classic Marvel. Not bad for a system that’s been around since the 90s.

I didn’t find the creation of the characters very satisfying though. Sure they were fun and all, but I felt like I was missing something. So I instead turned to the sadly defunct Margaret Weis Marvel Heroic Roleplay system, based on the Cortex engine.

After that it was simply a matter of working through characters. Now I’ll have to admit that I haven’t kept up with all the nerfs, and de-nerfs, and OPs and whatever that Blizzard has done through the years. Also I haven’t nearly finished all the characters. However in the interest of sharing I’m posting who I’ve got done in case they’re of interest to anyone…we can call them Over-Watcher Datafiles!

Jesse McCree
Soldier 76

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